• Photo stock worldwide


  • Underwaterphotograhy


  • Travelphotography


  • Stories


  • Recherché


  • Advertising Photography



Gerald Nowak and Sibylle Gerlinger are freelance journalists for diving magazines, several travel magazines and publishing houses. Most of their projects are developed in conjunction with each other, which means that Gerald Nowak as the photographer is responsible for the pictures and Sibylle Gerlinger is responsible for writing the text. By travelling through various countries worldwide, it has been possible to build up extensive picture archives, which have constantly been enlarged. In the meantime well known publishing houses and editors have taken advantange of the high quality slides offered by CR-PHOTO.

"We have many other interest besides scuba diving. Graeco-Roman excavations on the Mediterranean coast of Libya, ancient secrets in the Republic of Yemen, the last orang-utan populations of Borneo or the life of Maori people in New Zealand today fascinates us as well. So we try to understand and document the information. Now more and more we are looking for paradises' closer to home. The scenic beauty of Lake Constance, the seclusion of the Slovenian Alps or the romantic ‚Costiera Amalfitana' in southern Italy, all stimulate us as much as exotic destinations that can only be reached by air travel."

  Publications and photos in magazines and newspapers:

  • abenteuer & reisen
  • ADAC Magazin
  • Asien Divers
  • Atlantis
  • Aquanaut
  • Berliner Zeitung
  • Bild
  • Bild am Sonntag
  • Bildwoche
  • Blauwasser (Palstek)
  • Divemaster
  • Duiken
  • Dyk (Dänemark)
  • Dyk (Schweden)
  • Ein Herz für Tiere
  • Ecos (die Welt auf Spanisch)  
  • Fit for Fun
  • Geo Deutschland
  • Geo Frankreich
  • Geo.de
  • Geo Saison
  • Geo Spanien
  • Geolino Deutschland
  • Hamburger Tagblatt
  • KanuMagazin
  • Kanusport
  • LTU-Magazin
  • Lufthansa Magazin
  • Mazda Magazin
  • Monte Mare
  • Münchner Merkur
  • National Geographic Deutschland
  • Natur und Kosmos
  • Nurkowanie
  • Outdoor
  • Penthouse
  • Prinz
  • Prisma
  • Reise&Preise
  • Reisefieber
  • Rheinischer Merkur
  • Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung
  • Sport Diver
  • Sport Diver Asia Pacific
  • Sport Diver EMEA
  • Scuba Diving
  • Scubadiver
  • Scuba Diving Magazine
  • Silent World
  • Sports
  • Sportdiver
  • Sporttaucher
  • Süddeutsche Zeitung
  • Sun Express Bordmagazin
  • Tauchen
  • Terra
  • Thomas Cook Magazin
  • Times Magazine
  • Trekkers World
  • Undersea Journal
  • Unterwasser
  • VIP International - Honeymooner
  • UVM - Schweden
  • Welt am Sonntag
  • Yacht und Meer
  • Yoyo
  • diverse lokale Tageszeitungen

  Pictures in Travel- and Outdoorbooks:  

  • abenteuer & reisen
  • Baedeker
  • BLV
  • Compact
  • DuMount
  • Loose
  • MEV
  • Natur
  • Nelles
  • Polyglott
  • Steiger
  • Studiosus
  • Weltbild

 Self-penned Outdoor- and Travelbooks:  

  • Compact Verlag / Colibri - Golf von Neapel von Sibylle Gerlinger
  • Compact Verlag / Colibri - Südtirol von Gerald Nowak
  • Europoli Verlag / Ethica Humana - Fides / Mare Magicum (Photoillustration von Gerald Nowak)
Pictures in Stock Agencies:
  • Alamy.com
  • GettyImages.com
  • Imago.de
  • ImagePoint.biz
  • JupiterImages.de
  • Naturfoto-Online.de  
  • Okapia.de
  • Scubanova-Media.de  
  • Seapics.com
  • Seatops.com
  • Waterframe.de 
  • Westend61.de
  •  and many more partner stock agencys  

Sibylle Gerlinger   Gerald Nowak
Sibylle Gerlinger   Gerald Nowak
Traveljournalist   Travel- and Underwaterphotographer
e-mail:   s.gerlinger @ cr-photo.de   e-mail:   g.nowak @ cr-photo.de
Tel:   +49 (0) 8141 - 230 74   Tel:   +49 (0) 8141 - 230 74
Fax:   +49 (0) 8141 - 212 73   Fax:   +49 (0) 8141 - 212 73
        Mobil:   +49 (0) 171 - 78 88 299


 Postal Address:

Schusterweg 4

D-82290 Landsberied